Friday, September 16, 2005

Making Water Well

My body is statiscally near 75% water, therefore I am a reflection of the state of the planet and it's water systems. Well, that thought is scary since only 1% of the water on the planet is drinkable water and of that only 1% is actually clean enough to drink!!! Water is linked to emotion in many respects and the earth herself has been going through some beautiful cleansing rituals of her own, i.e. tsunamis, tidal waves and floods - lovely stuff! Lets clean up our own act! I pour clean, pure spring or borehole water into myself... I then purify myself by allowing the tears to escape with any residual toxins, possibly brought about by my sometimes toxic moods. Yes, I am an emotional machine, gosh, why, when I am feeling sexy and turned on, the sweet nectar from my body escapes, sometimes as a tricle down my inner thighs and sometimes as a gushing tap... oh yes, me and the earth, we are one... watch out for unwell waters!!!

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