Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Nan, Beautiful Nan is 'with child', says Sai Baba

Am I living in Heaven or Hell?  Sometimes when I see chaos all around me I just know that the genius who created me is really nearby.  You think you've got problems?  Am I male/female? 
Am I sane/insane?  Am I real/imagined?  My hard drive has been completely blown twice, defragged a handful of times & rebooted countless times in my lifetime.  I have subsequently needed to disable my guilt chip.  In my rewiring it has come to my attention {it has just been reported that a beached Southern Right whale has just been blown up as it was considered to be the most humane way of killing it...)
... gosh, that was 2 days ago, now I must continue and talk a little bit about myself and maybe what kinds of things I might have been thinking of that have come to my attention.
The first thing that comes to mind is the collection of paradoxical experiences I have amassed that defy human explanation, suffice to say that the human experience has been explained since time immemorial - something old something new, something borrowed something blue...
The remnants of my guilt chip are, however, still very much present and even just a guilty thought seems to manifest itself as a little pimple on my face.  I acknowledge the 'gunk' that is coming out of me in a way that I am gratefulfor the impurities that are being cleansed from my system.  What kind of guilty thoughts am I having you may well ask, well, I am a sensual sexual being and I am feeling horribly deprived and abandoned by my partner.  If I have thoughts of anger or resentment or disappointment or frustration they seem to have their own way of turning in toward me and backfiring as such. I am learning that the more I need the less I get. 
I choose to no longer manipulate others to achieve my own ends - and as Sai Baba 'said' to me the other day: "To not have is easier than to have".  He complimented me on my "impeccable balance"  and my "ability to continually strive for that attainment".  He assured me that he would aid me in finding peace and contentment.  I felt very priviledged that Sai Baba would 'connect' with me for the first time from an Ashram high on a mountain in India.  To anyone reading this you may well have doubts as to the validity of my 'claims', however, for me he 'said' some very nice things and he also told me that Nan, Beautiful Nan, is 'with child' again.  Now I must tell you that I had lost touch with Nan, the woman who guided me into Reiki, and haven't heard anything about her for probably two years when she was pregnant with her boyfriend's child.  This last sunday, 3 days ago, I bumped into an old mutual acquaintance and she not only gave me Nan's telephone number, but told me that about 4 months ago she had her second child with her now husband!

1 comment:

Waiting For The Sun said...

Hi, Thanks for leaving a comment. Today is my Brothers Birthday. He had Bi-polar..sadly he commited suicide. I am bi-polar. I would celebrate my Brothers Birthday to day with some beer and whiskey but alas, if I did my Wife would throw me out of the house...Bummer