Thursday, May 24, 2007

Water water water - in a coke bottle

When I say that I have the Universe behind me, I am not joking. Take a closer look at the shape of the clouds in the sky above me. J.C. (The photographer did not see it or take it on purpose in that respect, so it is pure synchronicity. And I am Amanzi1 standing on what I affectionaly dubbed Birkenhead Rock with my water bottle in hand. Coca-Cola - this deserves a fortune in advertising for you! And I hereby lay claim to all copyright. The head of the Berkeyly Psychic Institute in California did not tell my husband and I that we have shared many lifetimes together for nothing. Neither did their recollection of him having a past life as a captain of a ship that had sunk. The one american psychic man really took a dislike to him.

Revenge of the Blondes...

Come hell or high water! I have my blue plastic Invader, my life jacket and my helmet. And since those have dematerialised, I shall rely on my metaphorical ones!


Anonymous said...

The River Doring is prickly and cold, Alleluia
Bushman paintings in a cave nearby, Alleluia

An ender here, in Happy Hole, Alleluia
Teaches the Blonde how to Eskimo Roll, Alleluia

She got real wet, behind the ears, Alleluia
Her penis extension almost reduced her to tears, Alleluia

But then back on the bank with her River God, Alleluia
She shone like a star in the firelight quad, Alleluia

Amanzi1 said...

Cute poem... must be a guy I met oaddling! I daresay he's heard my Southern African River Song, alleluia xx
b.t.w. my first eskimo roll was in the rapid below Island, I promise, it did have a name!
Funny how it's taken this blonde almost 5 and and half years to find this comment!